Saturday, February 26, 2011

Romantic Movie Night

Date Number 42:  Romantic Movie Night
The last date we did was a Movie Night. It fit perfectly with Valentine’s Day and just spending time together.  Our very first Valentine’s Day we were married, Jon and I splurged and bought nice steaks (that we sufficiently ruined by making them on the George Foreman) from Harter House and an 8$ vanilla bean for crème brulee. This is probably my favorite meal.  A well prepared steak enjoyed in my house! We decided that once again we would make our own Valentines Dinner and watch a movie here. Jon made our steaks-(not on the GF grill) he is quite the little chef now!  I prepared the sides and cleaned up the kitchen as he “messed” it up! We finished off the dinner with chocolate covered strawberries and vanilla bean crème brulee.  The dinner was fantastic! It was really delightful to spend time with Jonathon- I could have been eating McDonalds, but I am glad we had the steaksJ Jon then watched a couple of movies- neither of them were very good. I proceeded to do what I always do during a movie- fall asleep! Overall it was a fabulous night- simple and quiet! It is kind of amazing to look back over the past 2 years- a short amount of time, and see how much Jon and I have grown together as a couple! I am so thankful that he will always be my date and my best friend!

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