Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lessons Learned

Hey Everybody!

     Well, we haven't even had our first date yet and I (Jon) have already learned some very important lessons.  I have to make a confession first of all.  Right after our first blog I got really excited and started looking through our book to find the perfect first date.  I thought to myself, I have to do a really exciting one so our blog readers will enjoy hearing about it.  So after finding the most exciting dates I could find (most of which involved travel and lots of time) I tried to find one that would work with our schedule.  Kate gets off work at noon on Friday and I have to take her to the airport by 2:00pm on Saturday to take a trip with her family.  Thus, none of the extremely exciting dates would fit into that small amount of time.  That's when I got bummed out thinking, no one is going to care about our boring date.  Then, I came to my senses! I'm an idiot! (Amen!-Kate) This whole adventure we are taking is not about a blog, or the entertainment of others, its about spending much needed quality time with my beautiful wife!  The blog can only be a way to reflect on and share what we are doing and it can never be the focal point of the journey, or I will miss out on what this whole thing is about.
     In this process I also learned another very important lesson.  These dates are more about making time for one another rather then the actual dates themselves.  Most of the dates in the book, aren't super exciting, don't cost lots of money, don't take much time, and that is the whole point!!!  Most married couples (including us) don't go on many dates because their responsibilities take all of their time.  These dates are a way for us to make time for each other.  They don't have to be exotic trips or high dollar extravaganzas, they just need to be time together, away from responsibilities, and truthfully shouldn't the health of our marriages be a higher responsibility then our secular responsibilities? Yes!!!!  Well, tomorrow we go on our first date, it won't be movie worthy drama and excitement for all of you, but I can't think of anything better then simply spending time with my beautiful wife!

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1 comment:

  1. You guys are figuring it out alot sooner than I did. Congrats and keep it up. Good marriages don't just happen.

